Most of the content we make is free, and you can read our articles here. If we're exercising anyway, we may as well become great at it, min-max our lifting routines, and get even better results, right? Most health institutions recommend lifting weights at least twice per week, being reasonably lean and muscular, keeping ourselves in good cardiovascular shape, eating a good diet, minimizing chronic stress, and getting proper sleep.īut we also enjoy getting visible results from our efforts in the gym. We're in this for the long haul, and we're trying our best to create positive changes in our lives.
How to keep your workouts short and effective:.What's the best lifting tempo for gaining muscle mass?.Should we always use a large range of motion?.How many sets should we do per workout?.How to use isolation lifts to boost muscle growth.The 5 big compound lifts for building muscle.Progressive overload for muscle size & strength.
Hypertrophy training: how to train for muscle size. Aesthetics aren't everything, but it's certainly nice to look great. If we're already going through the effort of building muscle, becoming stronger, and exercising regularly, we may as well look awesome. Marco has a degree in health sciences (BHSc), and in addition to getting bigger, stronger, and fitter, we care about building healthy lifestyles that involve regular exercise, eating good diets, managing stress, and sleeping like deep winter bears. When Marco was working as the strength coach for college, professional, and Olympic athletes, this was his specialty. We care more about getting strong at a wider variety of lifts (including chin-ups, overhead presses, and even biceps curls) and in a wider variety of rep ranges. But not strong in a powerlifting sense, where all we care about is how much we squat, bench, and deadlift for a single repetition. Helping people build muscle is what we do best. We've each gained over sixty pounds at under 12% body fat, and we've helped over ten thousand clients bulk up with our Bony to Beastly Bulking Programfor skinny men, our Bony to Bombshell Weight Gain Program for skinny women, and our Outlift Program for intermediate lifers. This is all to say that we write for people who are less interested in the sport of lifting, more interested in the hobby of lifting, using it as a tool to improve their lives: But again, we can apply that knowledge to our own goals. Bodybuilders are great at building muscle, and there's plenty to be learned from them. We can learn a lot about gaining strength from powerlifters, then use that knowledge and apply it to other lifts, other rep ranges, building bodies that are stronger overall. So this isn't a powerlifting or bodybuilding website, nor any combination of the two. Where's the program designed to help people build muscle, get stronger, become better looking, and improve their general health? We couldn't find one. Or what about StrongLifts 5x5? It's made by an everyday guy, and that's great, but it's built on that same powerlifting foundation, and even more focused on building a bigger squat. Starting Strength? That's a program created by a powerlifter built on the foundation of the main powerlifting lift: the squat. Once I started learning more about lifting, I could see the roots of bodybuilding and powerlifting in almost every program. Great, right? But if you aren't trying to become a bodybuilder or a powerlifter, then why would you want to train for both? Worse, there were powerbuilding programs, designed for people trying to become both bigger and stronger. I want a strong bench and deadlift, sure, but I also want a strong chin-up, overhead press, and barbell curl. I was more interested in building general strength, getting stronger in a wider variety of rep ranges, at a wider variety of lifts. Powerlifters want to get stronger, sure, but it's a very specific type of strength, where their training is oriented around improving their 1-rep max strength on the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Or I'd come across powerlifting sites for people trying to get stronger, but that didn't seem all that much better. I'm not a bodybuilder, I don't live in the gym, and I don't ever plan on stepping on stage. Here and there, I'd come across bodybuilding sites for people trying to build muscle, but it never resonated with me. But almost nothing was written from the perspective of a skinny guy trying to gain weight, to become bigger and stronger than he was last workout.
I was a skinny dude, underweight and out of shape, and I wanted to become bigger, stronger, and more muscular. One of the things I found frustrating when I first started looking for muscle-building information was that none of it seemed to be written for me.